Benefits of Writing
Benefits of Writing

Benefits of Writing

Writing is not just a medium to communicate, it has many other benefits. Writing on paper planners gives you the opportunity to disconnect from your phone, computer, and virtual meetings. Writing things down feels more deliberate, and the quiet time allows you to focus on the work at hand rather than multitasking or perusing social media for lengthy amounts of time.

It’s easy to disregard the idea of writing down obligations on a sheet of paper now when computerised calendars are available everywhere from your laptop to your cell phone to your email account. However, you should try putting down your smartphone and picking up a pen instead.

Take a look at some of the reasons why using a good old-fashioned paper planner is more effective than the digital alternatives.

1. Writing Helps You Remember Better

Typing is a completely automatic process. We can do it without retaining a great deal of information. Writing things down by hand, on the other hand (no pun intended), is more engaging. You’re considerably more likely to recall a doctor’s appointment at 5 p.m. on a Wednesday if you write it down rather than typing it into a computerised planner.

2. You Can Put Everything In One Place

Apps are definitely beneficial, but they’re also incredibly fragmented. You might have a note-taking app and a separate date-and-time appointment app. You’ll quickly find yourself switching between programmes to stay on top of your everyday responsibilities. With a paper planner, you can keep track of everything you need to do in one place.

This is where using a Declutter daily and weekly planner can give you a bird’s eye view of all your tasks and activities. Browse through our website to know more about our planners.

3. You Can Keep Track of Both Long and Short Term Goals

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People commonly think of planners as a tool to keep track of appointments, but certain planners – often referred to as “lifelong planners” – allow you to do long-term planning.

For example, you might wish to set a goal of running a specific number of kilometres in six months. These task-driven entries help you keep track of what you want to achieve and then take the steps necessary to get there.

4. Crossing Off A Completed Task Is Satisfying

When you cross off an appointment or task on a physical piece of paper, you get a sense of accomplishment that you just don’t get from an app. Drawing a line through a task can provide a sense of accomplishment and encourage you to go on to the next activity.

Writing your tasks on a planner is a great way of getting things done. It motivates you to do the task quickly so that you can enjoy crossing it off on your planner.

Pro tip: Breaking down more difficult jobs into digestible chunks allows you to focus on one at a time and keeps track of how far you’ve come.

5. There Are No Distractions

It’s a little risky to open a calendar app. Games, films, and other distractions on your phone can take your attention away from other tasks. There are no such temptations with paper. Its purpose is to keep track of data in the most efficient and productive manner feasible.

6. Improves Communication

Writing makes you want to expand your vocabulary and construct better sentences. With writing on paper, it forces you to think and be mindful of your grammar and spelling. This does not happen when writing digitally because of all the auto-correct and grammar check functions.

The bottom line is that writing can help you communicate more effectively, whether orally or in writing itself.

7. Relieves Mental Stress

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If you want to clear your mind and relieve some mental stress, one of the finest exercises to do is to write down your thoughts on paper. Putting your feelings down on paper will help you relax.

Writing in a Declutter planner each day, for example, can help you feel lighter and sleep better. According to a recent study, people who set aside time once a week to write down the wonderful things in their lives are more optimistic and thrilled about their current situation and future.

8. Improves Perspective

Writing down your schedule, or even an old memory, might help you think more clearly about your objectives and how efficient you are in your daily life. It allows you to see your priorities from a new and broader perspective. Writing on a regular basis can help you improve your prioritisation abilities.

Writing helps in the organisation of creative ideas that are required in the workplace or in everyday life. Those concepts are difficult to organise while brainstorming. Writing aids in the storage and perspective of concepts that may or may not have been forgotten.

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Daily planners, which are available dated and undated, enable you to start writing things down on any day if you want to promote self-care and make life easier. Planners are also a fantastic method to avoid being distracted by modern devices like phones and computers.

Remember, clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Make it a point to religiously write down your thoughts or even your grocery list in your planner. This will help you in effectively and efficiently carrying out your tasks.

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